Phases of Psychedelic Based Therapy

Sara has been trained by Journey Clinical Fluence Education Program

Cutting Edge Treatment for Your Mental Health:

Do You Need a Prescription for Your Psychedelic Medication?

Please Inquire for a List of Prescribing Online Doctors in California

The Medication

Psychedelic medications are prescribed by licensed medical doctors. The medication is typically sent in the mail, prescribed online, and is taken in the comfort of your own home. Sara will meet with you in advance to prepare you for the experience from a therapeutic perspective. This is the true combination of therapy and medication.


Sara will provide guidance for creating the most comfortable and relaxing environment for your psychedelic experience. Clients meet with Sara within one week following their dose of psychedelic medication and then weekly following this for 6-8 sessions of psychedelic integration therapy. This allows for your mental health symptoms to be thoroughly addressed.


Sara employs a gentle, guiding approach. This allows your mental health experience to slowly and carefully unfold and through this evidenced based therapy, Sara ensures that whatever insight you may gain can relieve both current symptoms, but also can be highly effective for clients for a past history of trauma.